Mizoram PSC Deputy Store Officer
Mizoram PSC Deputy Store Officer

Syllabus for the post of Deputy Store Officer, Home Deptt.

(1) General English : 100 Marks
a) Essay Writing : 20 Marks
b) Précis Writing : 10 Marks
c) Letter Writing : 10 Marks
d) Idioms & Phrases : 16 Marks
e) Expansion of passages : 10 Marks
f) Comprehension of given passages : 10 Marks
g) Grammar
Parts of Speech : Nouns, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, etc. : 14 Marks
h) Correct usage and vocabularies : 10 Marks

(2) General Studies Paper – I
A. History of Modern India and Cultures from about the
middle of 19th Century: 60 marks

(a) British economic policies and their impact. Commercialisation of Agriculture, Rural Indebtedness, Growth of Agricultural Labour. Destruction of Cottage (Handloom & Handicraft) Industries. Growth of Modern Industries. Rise of a Capitalist Class.
(b) Growth and Development of Education. Activities of the Christian Missionaries. Efforts at regeneration of Indian Society by Social Reformers.
(c) Revolt of 1857. First War of India Independence and its impact. Civil Rebellions and peasant movements with special reference to Indigo Revolt, Deccan Riots, Santal Rebellion and Moplah Uprising.
(d) Rise and Growth of Indian National Movement. Formation of various Associations. The early nationalists and militant nationalists. Rise and Growth of communalism. Emergence of Gandhi in Indian politics and his techniques of mass mobilisation. Trade a Union and peasant movements, State(s) people movements, rise and growth of Leftwing within the Congress, Socialists and Communists. Attitude of the Congress to
Constitutional changes 1909-1935. World War II and Indian Political Development.Indian National Army. The Partition of India and Achievement of Freedom.

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B. Indian Polity : 30 Marks
(a) The structure – Indian Constitution, Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles,Emergency Provisions Union Government – President, Parliament, Prime Minister, Cabinet Indian Judiciary – Supreme Court, High Court, Judicial Review, PIL Indian Federalism – Centre State Relation, Tension Areas.
(b) Working of democracy – Major political parties in India, Main features of party system in India, Election Commission of India.
Major Issues in Indian Polity – Politics of regionalism and communalism, Insurgency problems National Commissions – Working of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), National Commission for Minorities, the National Commission for the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes and the National Commission for Women.State Government – Role of the Governor, Powers and functions of the Chief Minister,
Panchayati Raj Institutions. 74th Constitutional Amendment

C. Indian Economy : 30 Marks
(a) The Indian Economy: Guiding principles of Indian economic policy- Planned growth and distributive justice – Poverty alleviation. Agriculture and industrial sectors- Public and private sectors. National income – its sectoral and regional distribution.
(b) Monetary and credit trends and policy- Banking and other financial institutions.
(c) Foreign trade and the balance of payments.
(d) Indian Planning: Objectives, strategy, experience and problems.

D. Geography of India : 30 Marks
Physical Aspects – Himalayan Range, Gangetic Plain, Peninsular India, Monsoon, Drought and Flood prone areas.

Human Aspects – Ethnic/racial diversities; tribal areas and their problems; role of language, religion and culture in the formation of regions; historical perspectives and unity and diversity; population distribution, density, and growth, population problems and policies.

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Agriculture – The infrastructure, land holdings, consolidation and land reforms; improvement of agriculture through modern technology. Dry-zone agriculture and agricultural land use policy.

Industry – History of industrial development, factors of localization; study of mineral based,agro-based and forest based industries, industrial decentralization and industrial policy; industrial complexes and industrial regionalization, identification of backward areas and rural

(3) General Studies Paper – II
A. Current Events and General Knowledge : 50 Marks
B. The role and impact of science and technology in
the development of India. : 30 Marks

In the part relating to the role and impact of science and technology in the development of India, questions will be asked to test the candidate’s awareness of the role and impact of science and technology in India, emphasis will be on applied aspects. It will also include general knowledge relating to science, inventions and discoveries, terminologies, etc.
C. History, Cultural Heritage and Traditional Practices
of Mizoram : 30 Marks

History, Cultural Heritage and Traditional Practices and General Knowledge about Mizoram will include broad history of Mizoram including pre and post advent of the British, Colonial
Era, the Lushai Chiefs, Political upheavals, famines, socio-economic and political events after independence. Cultural and traditional practices, customary laws and practices including folk lore and songs, dances and festivals.
D. Simple Arithmetic : 20 Marks
Simple Arithmetic will include Averages, Profit & Loss, Simple Interest, Fractions & Decimals,Time & Distance, Simple Geometry, Mensuration, Simple Statistics, Simplification, Square Roots.

E. Aptitude Test :
(a) Numerical And Figurework Tests: (4 Marks)
These tests are reflections of fluency with numbers and calculations. It shows how easily a person can think with numbers. The subject will be given a series of numbers.His/Her task is to see how the numbers go together to form a relationship with each other. He/She has to choose a number which would go next in the series.
(b) Verbal Analysis And Vocabulary Tests: (6 Marks)
These tests measure the degree of comfort and fluency with the English language. Thesetests will measure how a person will reason with words. The subject will be given questions with alternative answers, that will reflect his/her command of the rule and use of English language.
(c) Visual And Spatial/3-D Ability Tests: (4 Marks)
These tests are used to measure perceptual speed and acuity. The subject will be shown pictures where he/she is asked to identify the odd one out; or which comes nextin the sequence or explores how easily he/she can see and turn around objects in
(d) Abstract Reasoning Tests: (6 Marks)
This test measures the ability to analyse information and solve problems on a complex,thought based level. It measures a person’s ability to quickly identify patterns, logical rules and trends in new data, integrate this information, and apply it to solve problems.

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