
B.Sc Chemistry Government Jobs 2024 - Sarkari Naukri

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Bsc Chemistry Government Jobs 2024 - Sarkari Naukri

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There are a number of government jobs that require a bachelor's degree in chemistry. Some examples include:

  1. Chemist: Chemists conduct experiments and analyze chemical compounds and substances. They may work in a variety of settings, including research and development, quality control, and environmental testing.
  2. Environmental scientist: Environmental scientists study the effects of pollution and other environmental factors on the natural world. They may work in fields such as air and water quality, hazardous waste, and climate change.
  3. Pharmaceutical researchers: These professionals conduct research to develop new drugs and treatments for various medical conditions.
  4. Toxicologist: Toxicologists study the effects of toxic substances on living organisms and the environment. They may work in fields such as environmental health, occupational safety, and public health.
  5. Materials scientist: Materials scientists study the properties and characteristics of various materials, such as metals, plastics, and ceramics. They may work in fields such as aerospace, construction, and manufacturing.
  6. Food scientist: Food scientists study the chemical and physical properties of food and how it is processed, packaged, and stored. They may work in fields such as food safety, quality control, and product development.
  7. Quality control technician: These technicians test and inspect products to ensure that they meet quality standards. They may work in a variety of industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and manufacturing.
  8. Research and development scientist: These scientists design and conduct experiments to develop new products, processes, and technologies. They may work in fields such as pharmaceuticals, materials science, and environmental science.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What job can I get after BSc chemistry?

Career Opportunities after B.Sc Chemistry Analytical Chemist. Biomedical Chemist. Chemical Engineering Associate. Industrial Research Scientist. Lab Chemist. Materials Technologist. Production Chemist. Production Officer etc.

What are the govt jobs after BSc?

I have listed down all the government exam that can help to secure a job in the following sector. UPSC , SSC-CGL, SSC-CHSL, IBPS-PO, IBPS-Clerk, FCI, Indian Railways, ISS etc.

Can I join ISRO after BSc chemistry?

You can definitely join ISRO after the completion of B.Sc in Chemistry. ISRO conducts their own entrance examination for the B. Tech and B.Sc Graduates as well.

Can I get bank job after BSc?

You can try for a banking sector job, after completing graduation. The job profiles of clerk and P.O are suitable for candidates who have completed graduation. Those who have passed HSC with a minimum of 60% marks can apply for SBI clerk. Upper age limit to apply for bank clerk is 28 years.

How can I get job after BSc?

They have an option to pursue a post graduation degree in their respective field. Students can also join non-science master degree courses such as animation, management, journalism, computer technology, etc after the completion of B.Sc degree.