
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) Government Jobs 2024 - Sarkari Naukri

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About NAAS

The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), established in 1990, is among the youngest of the Science Academies in India. It owes its origin to the vision of the late Dr. B. P. Pal, FRS. The Academy focuses on the broad field of agricultural sciences including crop husbandry, animal husbandry, fisheries, agro-forestry, and the interface between agriculture and agro-industry. The Academy’s role is to provide a forum to Agricultural Scientists to deliberate on important issues of agricultural research, education, and extension and present views of the scientific community as policy inputs to planners, decision/opinion makers at various levels. To achieve this, the Academy organizes and supports national and international congresses, conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops, and brainstorming sessions on critical issues in the field of agricultural sciences. The Academy accords recognition to scientists at various levels and encourages cutting-edge research in different fields of agricultural sciences. In 2001, the Academy instituted a scheme of NAAS-TATA Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (with one for the North East Region) with support from the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust. In 2003, the ‘Associateship’ of the Academy was introduced for Young Scientists.

Official Address:
National Academy of Agricultural SciencesNASC Complex, DPS Marg, Pusa, New Delhi - 110012 India New Delhi, Delhi 110012
Phone: 91-11-25846051-52
Fax: 91-11-25846054