Detailed Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
Detailed Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission

Title: Detailed Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group-I Services Examination Syllabus

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Name of Organisation Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
Name of Posts Group-I
Official Website
Recruitment Details Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
Type of Test Objective Type
Test Mode Online (Computer Based Test – CBT)


Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group-I Services Examination Exam Pattern

S.No. Name of the Paper

No. of Questions

Max Marks Duration

Preliminary Exam – Screening Test

1 General Studies and Mental Ability



150 min

Mains – Descriptive Papers

1 General English – Qualifying Paper



3 hours
2 Paper-I: General Essay



3 Paper-II: Indian History, AP History and Indian Constitution



4 Paper-III: Indian Economy and AP Economy



5 Paper-IV: Science & Technology, General Science and Environmental Science



6 Paper-V: Data Interpretation and Problem Solving



Screening Test: General Studies and Mental Ability (Objective Type)

  1. Events of National and International importance.
  2. Current affairs – International, National and Regional.
  3. General Science and its applications to the day to day life and Contemporary developments in Science & Technology and Information Technology
  4. Geography – World, National and Andhra Pradesh.
  5. History of India Ancient, Medieval, Modern Vsocio-cultural, Economic and political affairs with special emphasis on Indian National Movement.
  6. Indian Polity and Governance; Constitutional issues, public policy formulation and implementation, Governance Reforms and e-governance initiatives.
  7. Economic development in India since Independence- role of planning; Planning Commission, NITI Ayog, India’s economic problems such as poverty and unemployment, agrarian crisis, irrigation and water, sustainable development, inflation and balance of payments, growth with stability, growth with Social justice
  8. Centre State relations, Finance Commissions, Sharing of Resources between Centre and States –Decentralization
  9. India’s Economic reforms Banking, Financial, trade and social sector; New challenges in a Globalized context – Global competition, Financial market instabilities, FDI flows, GST etc.,
  10. Environmental degradation and challenges – Sustainable Development and Environment Protection.
  11. Disaster Management; Vulnerability profile, prevention and mitigation strategies Application of remote sensing and GIS in the assessment of Disaster.
  12. Logical reasoning, analytical ability and data interpretation.
  13. Data Analysis:
    a) Tabulation of data
    b) Visual representation of data
    c) Basic data analysis, Summary Statistics such as mean and variance coefficient of variation etc., and Interpretation
  14. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and legal implications/problems, including
    a). Loss of capital city, challenges in building new capital and it’s financial implications.
    b). Division and rebuilding of common Institutions.
    c). Division of employees, their relocation and nativity issues.
    d). Effect of bifurcation on commerce and entrepreneurs.
    e). Implications to financial resources of state government.
    f). Task of post-bifurcation infrastructure development and opportunities for investments.
    g). socioeconomic, cultural and demographic impact of bifurcation.
    h). Impact of bifurcation on river water sharing and consequential issues.
    i). AP REORGANISATION ACT, 2014 and the arbitrariness of certain provisions.
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Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group-I Services Examination Syllabus

General English
(X Class Standard, Qualifying Nature – Marks would not be counted for selection to Interview)

SECTION –I: Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension Passage (followed by Questions)
Descriptive Passage
Literary Passage

SECTION-II: Functional Grammar:
Recognition of Parts of Speech
Verb forms ¡V Usage of Tenses
Conditional Sentences
Identifying and Interchange of Sentences (Simple, Complex, and Compound) (Active and Passive voice)
Use of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases l Articles
Correction of Sentences

SECTION-III: Vocabulary Usage
Use the given Idioms and Phrases in your own Sentences
One Word Substitutes -Recognition and Usage
Synonyms – Recognition and Usage
Antonyms – Recognition and Usage
Words often confused
Expansion of Proverb /Sayings

SECTION – IV: Composition
Write a Paragraph using the given Words/Phrases
Summarizing /Precise Writing
Essay writing on Topics of Social relevance
Description of a given Picture/Symbols
Letter writing (Informal & Formal)
Non-Verbal Communication (Body Language)

Candidate should write three Essays one from each section compulsorily. Each section contains three topics. Each Essay carries 50 marks.

SECTION-I: Crisis management, Social, Economic and Health Problems, Analysis and solutions, Conflict Resolution, Decision Making, Ecological intelligence.

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SECTION-II: Current events, policies, schemes and programmes of National and International importance.

SECTION-III: Current events, policies, schemes and programmes of the State of Andhra Pradesh

We have provided the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group-I Services Examination Exam Syllabus in the form of pdf. Also, we have mentioned the direct link to download the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group-I Services Examination Pdf by using the below link at free of cost.

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